Sorry about the lack of post,like people are putting there life on hold to see what's up with me....HA HA . The last 6 weeks have been a real pain in the ass.I've been to the doctor numerous times, twice for a ear infection,and a couple more to try and find out why I am almost crippled because of my right knee.I figured it was arthritis and after 3 visits with a couple of doctors the consensus is...... The friggin GOUT.
Fortunately after dispensing me a prescription of allopurinol My knee is coming around pretty good. And on top of that I have been trying to get my Dental needs taken caught up and have to have 3 teeth pulled.I'm going back next week to fix a cavity and see about getting a upper plate .And by the way these dentist are making way 2 much money.enough said on that. My rabbit breeding was a flop.I shoulda known better,But I'll breed 2 more does tomorrow.AND the damm dogs ate my 2 best hens.They dug a hole by the fence line and when a hen comes by ....Instant chicken munchies.I am gonna take
measures tomorrow that I think will stop that crap.Anyway that's what's going on in my neck of the woods ,Hope it's going better for you,later...........