Well after sweating my butt off all day I have my solar project complete for now.I can easily run whatever I need for now-lights & fans as well as misc stuff.Future mods will be to expand my battery storage but that will be as cash flow allows.Also will be looking for a better grade of panel but those will be much more expensive-probably 250-300 bucks each. It cost me approx 200 bucks to get this up & running as I got the battery for free and made the mounting platform for the panels out of scrap wood.The beauty of it is if a hurricane is eminent I can remove the panels quickly and store them so they will not get damaged in the storm.
I also have the portable back up to take inside the house as well as another panel setup still in the box that I bought on sale to use at a later date.
So all together I have about 500 tied up in solar back up to go with the generator set up.It has taken me years to get to this point a little at a time but I feel I am pretty well ready for anything that comes my way.But then again there's always My Turd Neighbor Mr Murphy.....Prep on
That is way awesome Rhino! hey, is that a cop car in the panel picture? LOL :0